Sunday, April 29, 2012

Cruisng the Zombie Apocalypse

In the course of writing my zombie novel my characters have gone through a series of vehicles. My thinking was after the apocalyptic earthquake they would be everywhere, abandoned with gas still in the tanks. Look down the street where you live and see how many cars and trucks line the roads. Zombies won’t be driving them so that leaves them for the last 5% of living survivors. The problem is not the access to vehicles; it’s the condition of the roads you’re driving on. In the last half of my novel the character’s ended up in a Patriot Jeep. A total of seven survivors crammed inside the limited seating along with weapons and equipment. I wrote a couple of chapters with them using the jeep and decided it was just not feasible. My characters cried out to me that they needed something better. One of my favorite horror movies is the forgotten piece of cinema called Race with the Devil; the story of vacationers who run from a cult of Satanists in a Winnebago. It starred Warren Oates and Peter Fonda. Check it out if you can find it. After researching online I knew what I wanted the moment I seen it. Enter the 1985 Winnebago Elandan. This puppy was perfect. The Winnebago allowed the characters room to move around and interact with each other. Plus it could hold off a zombie attack and was perfect for cruising the back roads of the undead apocalypse. As I went back through the story and added the vehicle in the place of the jeep, it became like an eighth character with its own backstory and personality. By the way, the character’s loved it and helped me add another four thousand words to the novel.

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